- Artificial Intelligence€ 15,00
- Many Intelligences€ 18,00
- Robots en AI€ 22,00
- Hello, Robot!€ 25,00

Embracing AI: Preparing Our Kids for the Future
As artificial intelligence becomes a central part of our lives, it's crucial to prepare our children for a world where AI is a vital tool for learning, creativity, and problem-solving. Understanding AI will empower them to navigate the complexities of tomorrow's job market and technology landscape, fostering critical thinking and innovation.
By introducing our kids to the concepts and implications of AI, we help them become informed creators and responsible users of technology. To kickstart this important journey, explore our collection featuring three essential books: "Hello, Robot!" introduces the world of robotics in a fun and engaging way; "Many Intelligences" by Matteo Loglio explores whether AI can have human abilities; and "Robots en Ai" provides insights into the relationship between robotics and artificial intelligence. Together, these books will inspire curiosity and understanding as our children grow into the future.
PS Above was ofcourse written by Chat GPT, using this prompt:
"write a short pos excerpt underlining the importance and rise of AI for our kids. End the excerpt with mentioning these three books of our collection "Hello, Robot!", "Many intelligences by Matteo Loglio " and "Robots en Ai""

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Mon - Sat ________ 10.30 - 18.00
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