TRAVELER'S Notebook Limited Sets: which one to choose?

Yes, we understand: the pressure is high. 4 sets, in a very very limited quantity, which ones will you choose?

For those who want to see and feel in real life before deciding (which we totally get!) we reserved a quantity off our stock to be sold offline only so you can make a proper decision.  

How will you choose among the sets? (Please note: Sets are "sold out" but become available online on April 14th 10.30h)


There are two options per size. Which size do you have (some of you have multiple, I know :), and which size do you actually use?

And will you now choose the same, or the opposite?

The different sizes have different accessories:
They all have (in each owns theme):
- Cover
- Cotton Bag
- Charm
- Stickers
- Giftbox

Regular sizes have a pencil and a charm for the bookmark
Passport size have 2 stamps

TRAVELER'S Company Limited Sets Airline
TRAVELER'S Company Limited Sets Hotel
TRAVELER'S Company Limited Sets Train
TRAVELER'S Company Limited Sets Record

Cover Color

The colors to choose from are Brown, Blue, Black and Camel

TRAVELER'S Notebook Limited Set Brown Hotel theme
TRAVELER'S Notebook Limited Set Blue Cover Airline
TRAVELER'S Notebook Limited Set Passport Camel Record
TRAVELER'S Notebook Limited Set Black Passport Cover Train


Each set is fully dedicated to a fictional business in the Land of TRAVELER'S Notebook. A Hotel, Airline, Train and Record. Imagine these companies stationery and office supplies.

TRAVELER'S Notebook Limited Hotel Set

TRAVELER'S Notebook Limited Airline Set
TRAVELER'S Notebook Limited Train Set
TRAVELER'S Notebook Limited Record Set

They all have their own features, so until this moment we cannot decide with which one to go for. A couple more days left to choose!