Misc x Timo
Timo Kuilder presents a selection of abstract paintings as part of a project about his father, who is bipolar.
A therapeutic process, Until One Sunday We Didn't is a deeply personal story by the artist. He shares his experience of growing up with a father who, from one day to the next, became a completely different person. The work resulted in a book, and Timo used his drawings to come to terms with his father's condition. Using abstract shapes, he brought a personal and touching story back to its simplest form.
Ever since 2015 Timo has created our visuals. Since then we printed thank you notes, shipping notices, test-tracing pads and wrapping paper, whilst following his style throughout the years.
Since then Timo has worked for clients across the board, ranging from independent companies like Meanwhile Brewing Co and Brummell Magazine, to major players like The New York Times, The New Yorker, Monocle, Google, Slack, and Twitter.
We're proud to host an exhibition with Timo, showcasing the book 'Until One Sunday We Didn't' and various original works. We'll have a tote bag, and old skool coloring competition!
Opening Drinks:
Friday Sept 23rd 17.00-19.00
Elandsgracht 59, Amsterdam
Here is a short overview of Misc x Timo over the years: